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The Cunning Tortoise

The Cunning Tortoise

In African mythology / fables the Tortoise is endowed with wit and cunning, time and time again.The Tortoise with the use of this wit and ingenuity outwits rivals - be they animals or humans.The Tortoise however demonstrates in fable after fable that cunning when combined with greed only leads to humiliation and self ridicule.
Orisun of the Savannah Grassland

Orisun of the Savannah Grassland

Orisun of the Savannah Grassland is a contemporary tale, which gives an insight into how Africans perceive animals of the wild and their perception of the psyche of these animals. Contrary to popular opinion, Africans value the wildlife, which cohabit their plains and grasslands. The culling programme put in place by countries, such as Kenya and Zimbabwe, is enabling Africans to evolve a happy equilibrium between themselves and the wild life around them. Three endangered species are featured in this fable; i.e the Leopard, the Chimpanzee and the African Elephant.